On the fence initially with this one. First 4 chapters were
dull and uninformative. Chapters 5 to
finish, very detailed and explosive with information. Killer Web Content by Gerry McGovern is a
definite read if you are a beginner blogger, especially if you are first
exploring the internet looking to sell products, services, or just information.
Gerry McGovern has taken web lingo and has turned it into
common speech for the everyday internet enthusiast-brilliantly explained in the
second half of the book.For all you experts, who need a little direction and
advice, utilize this book to help you navigate towards a new and exciting
direction with web content functionality.
Initially thought I had wasted $8.00 dollars from a use book
store, but after reading, I feel like I cheated them.
Must read if you are just starting out writing content for
the web. If you are a seasoned veteran, definite read for a refresher course on
why you are on the web in the first place.
Mr. McGovern has explained web content and its benefit for all websites
in a clear and concise way…excellent.
Pick up at a used book-store, new book store, or anywhere
you can get your hands on this book.